Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blog 4

1.) In a well-organized paragraph, describe the society in which Anthem is set. Some areas to consider are the political structure, degree of technology, social relationships, quality of life, and education. Would you want to live in this society? Explain why or why not.
The society in Anthem is very boring. You are not you! You are a group. There is not any technology. You use lamps and candles. You only learn what they want you to learn. I would not live in this society because I am my own person and I dont know how to be anyone else. I also speak my mind. This is why I could not live in this society.

2.) When does this novel take place—in the past, the present, or the future? How do you know? Please provide specific clues from the text.
I think this novel takes place in the past. I feel this because of the nonuse of lights and the use of candles. Then the way that they try to control them.

4.) How would your teachers react if you had Equality’s “curse”? Why do Equality’s teachers disapprove of his quick mind? At this point in the novel, does Equality accept the moral teachings of his society? If so, why doesn’t he initially feel shame or remorse when he knows that he’s committing a crime? Find textual evidence to support your answer. Does this change as the novel progresses?
If my teachers and I lived in this society they would disapprove of his quick mind because the group is supposed to think as one. He has to accept his society because thats what he has done since he was born.